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  • INFORM: Give you the knowledge to reach your goals

  • EDUCATE: Guide you in using that knowledge for positive change

  • EQUIP: Arm you with the tools to continue on your own

When it comes to training, my philosophy is simple. To help you become the best human being you can be. 



  • Movement/Postural Restoration:

    • Our bodies were created to move in certain ways, that unfortunately our society (work, school, the media etc) steers us away from. In my opinion, training should be focused on "Reseting" those movement patterns that were programmed into us from birth. 

    • Helping you to restore proper human movement (learning to move how you were made to) and posture will lead you to less pain, better performance in sport/life, strength, mobility, stability, resilience and most of all a better life!


  • Barefoot: 

    • Our feet were made to contact and interact with the ground. The information that your feet gather, help control all of your movement all the way up to your head. This means that the shoes we all wear can alter that info, causing problems (pain, dysfunction, imbalances). It is important for everyone (ESPECIALLY for us as diabetics) to be stimulating the feet and working to train our feet to move and function as they were made to be...WITHOUT SHOES. 

    • Stronger/healthier feet = stronger and healthier body


  • Bodyweight:​

    • One must learn to control their own body before trying to tackle heavy weights​

    • Building reflexive strength, mobility and stability through using ones own body weight will reduce injury risk and create a solid base for future athletic endeavors


  • Playing and learning, NOT training: ​

    • The term "exercise" and "training" are often associated​ with dread

    • Rather than coming to the gym to exercise, my clients come to the gym to play and learn their bodies

    • This will create a positive relationship with movement and activity, setting you up for success in the future


  • Self Awareness:​

    • As humans in our society, we often lose touch with our own bodies. This is extremely important because when it comes down to it, what is the only thing that's truly ours? Our body and our health. ​

    • Our training will help you to learn your own body and improve your ability to feel what's going on within your body (known as interoception) and be able to feel what's going on outside your body aka being conscious of where you are in space (known as proprioception).

    • This is extremely vital for the health of any human being, ESPECIALLY those with Diabetes, as they must be constantly in touch with and regulating their own bodies. Our nervous system is the communication system of our bodies, and it feeds other systems information. The more information we can feed the nervous system, the healthier our bodies can become. 

  • ​Other:​

    • Nutritional guidance​

    • Behavior change

    • Stress management

    • Sleep 

    • Rehabilitation Strategies

    • Etc. 

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

  • Making changes towards a healthy life is dependent on EVERY aspect of a person (Not only what happens in the gym). Healthy living (and Diabetes management) comes from every aspect of wellness (physical, mental, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual). I work with others through the lens of developing/improving the WHOLE PERSON. 

  • Most Importantly, I want to help you to learn to LOVE being healthy!

"Love what you do and do what you love"

- Ray Bradbury

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